If sedation is needed for regularly scheduled dental cleanings, that's okay! We can administer nitrous oxide sedation to help patients enter a relaxed state while having their teeth cleaned, which should be done at least twice a year.
If you have dental anxiety, you may feel like you'll never be able to undergo cosmetic procedures to improve your smile, but we can help you realize this isn't true.
If you have a cavity, you shouldn't wait to visit our dentist in London. We can save your tooth and ensure you are as comfortable as possible throughout the procedure since you'll still be awake and able to answer our questions.
Patients often see root canals as intimidating, but this doesn't have to be the case. The use of nitrous oxide and local dental anesthesia can make longer procedures more comfortable, painless and less intimidating.
A general tooth extraction can be done with local anesthesia and nitrous oxide. Inhaled nitrous oxide will provide a deep state of relaxation which can help us administer anesthesia and get right to the procedure. Our dental team will also speak to you throughout the procedure so you can stay updated on the progress.