Dentist London Ontario by Spencer Dentistry

Wisdom Tooth Removal London, Ontario

Our London, Ontario Dentist Can Perform Tooth Extraction Right Here in Our Office
We’ll answer all of your questions before the surgical procedure.
What are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth, also known as the third set of molars, are the final set of molars that typically emerge in patients’ late teens or early twenties. These teeth can often cause issues due to their large size and the limited space in the mouth. While some people may experience no problems with their wisdom teeth, others may encounter issues such as impaction, crowding, or infection. As a result, many individuals undergo wisdom teeth extraction to prevent potential future dental complications. It’s important to consult with our dentist to assess the need for wisdom teeth removal and to address any concerns regarding your oral health.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth May Negatively Impact Your Dental Health
Impacted wisdom teeth can have a detrimental effect on your dental health. When impacted teeth do not fully erupt from the gums, this can cause swelling, pain, and infection. This can lead to damage to neighbouring teeth and even the jawbone. Additionally, if wisdom teeth become impacted, this can cause crowding or shifting of other teeth, resulting in misalignment and bite issues. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent infection and further damage and preserve overall dental health. Regular dental check-ups and X-rays are one of the best ways for our dental care team to determine when your wisdom teeth need to be removed.

The Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedure

We understand that the removal of wisdom teeth can sound scary, but our dental clinic strives to put your comfort first and foremost and try to create a stress-free environment for all. We’ll also answer any of your questions before your surgery to ease any worries. For patients under 18, a parent or guardian will need to be present.

General Anesthesia

Typically, all four wisdom teeth are removed at once. If this is the case, general anesthesia will keep you comfortable during the procedure.

Incisions are Made

Incisions will be made in the gum tissue unless there is a partially erupted wisdom tooth. The teeth will be loosened and removed from the socket.

Sutures Will Close the Incisions

Sutures will be placed over the surgical sites which will eventually dissolve on their own. This typically takes one week or two and you likely won't even notice.

Aftercare Instructions are Given

Gauze will be placed over the surgical sites to slow bleeding and aftercare instructions, along with any necessary pain medications, will be given to ease discomfort.

Post-Operative Instructions

Our dentist will provide instructions that should be followed carefully. The extraction of teeth is a serious procedure and if instructions are not followed, infection and other complications can arise.

Change Gauze Regularly

Gently press down on the gauze to help slow bleeding and change it when necessary. The dentist will let you know when you can stop using gauze, which is typically when bleeding is very minimal.

Rinse With Warm Salt Water

The surgical sites need to be kept clean to stave off infection. This can be done by gently moving around mouthwash or warm, salt water from side to side. Do not swish, this can cause the blood clot to dislodge which is necessary for proper healing. Dislodging it can cause dry socket - a painful condition that exposes bone tissue.

Rest and Restrict Activities

Limit any physical activity for a few days and rest as much as you can. For the first 24-48 hours after the procedure, laying with your head more elevated can reduce swelling.

Eat Soft Foods

You'll want to stick to soft foods such as mashed potatoes, apple sauce, oatmeal, etc. Avoid hard and crunchy foods and foods/drinks that are too hot or cold. Avoid drinking from a straw and clean your mouth after eating/drinking so food doesn't sit on the surgical sites.

Take Prescribed Medications

The dentist may prescribe you medications to reduce the risk of infection and manage pain. Placing ice packs on the sides of your cheeks can also reduce pain and swelling.

Our Dental Centre Also Performs Regular Tooth Extraction

As well as wisdom teeth removal, we also perform regular tooth extractions which may be required for a number of reasons including:

  • Preparation for orthodontic treatments
  • Preparation for a dental implant
  • Overcrowding issues
  • Severely cracked or chipped tooth
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Loose teeth

If you’ve experienced trauma to your mouth and have a crack or chip, or you’ve noticed severe pain when you bite or chew, you should contact our dental clinic right away. After a tooth is extracted, we can discuss cosmetic dentistry options.

Book an Oral Surgery Appointment Today

If you’ve been experiencing pain or swelling, contact our office today. It may be time to have your wisdom teeth removed, or you may need to undergo a tooth extraction. We’ll provide a thorough examination and may need to perform X-rays prior to a procedure. We also understand that many patients feel anxious during their appointments, therefore, we are proud to offer dental sedation services to help make you more